Frog Dissection
by: Tunac, Joanne Kathrine B.
General Zoology
Have you ever experienced dissecting a frog? Maybe most of us have already experienced it. The last time that I have dissected a frog was when I was in high school. I cannot remember the exact year tho.
A week before the day of dissection our professor named Mr. Niño Naldozaalso known as Sir Nyoy, warned us about his tradition every time that his students are having a frog dissection. At first the class thought of what will this tradition be? I didn’t think of it at that time. When I came home an idea popped in my mind and then I laughed and thought to myself; No. It can’t be.. I can’t.. I won’t be able to catch one for sure.. Nooooo!
I will never forget this day September 18, 2015 at 1:30 in the afternoon. It is the day where we will dissect a frog. With the help of the General Zoology, it is because I will be able to dissect a frog once again.
The day of the dissection came. Frog were brought at school inside a jar. All jars were collected and put at one side of the laboratory. Sir Nyoy started to open all of the jars, washed the frogs, put it inside a bag then started his tradition. Have you already guessed what his tradition is? Yes… yes it is. His tradition was for his students to catch the frogs that he had let go. Frogs jumping here and there, Frogs every where. When I saw a frog at the aisle I walk near him, I was already near it but I can’t catch it. It was not jumping tho, not like the other frogs that are jumping all over the place.
What do we need in dissecting a frog?
- Frog (the bigger, the better)
- Glass Jar (no holes)
- Dissecting Kit
- Dissecting Pan
- Formalin (for preservation)
- Surgical Gloves
- Surgical Mask
- Lab Gown
How do we dissect a frog? Here are some of the steps that I have remember.
First, Paralyze the frog. There are various ways on how to paralyze a frog. In the picture below you will see a method that we used to paralyze the frog
After paralyzing the frog, place it on it’s dorsal side or in prone position. When you have already faced it in the dorsal side pin it’s fore legs and hind legs.
Next, Remove the skin. Slowly remove the skin starting from the anus going upward. Upon reaching the arms and legs, slowly peel off the skin be careful not to break any bones afterwards wash it.
After removing the skin. Slowly cut the thin skin that serves as a cover for the organs, it starts at the anus going up. When you have already cut it, it will look like the photo below.
In this photo you will be able to point out which organ is which. You will see the heart, the liver, stomach, the intestine, lungs, kidney and the other organs. |
In this photo it shows the mouth and the tongue of the frog |
After you remove the organs of the frog, dispose it because of the foul odor. Afterwards, wash the frog the place it inside the glass jar that you have brought with you just make sure that it does not have any hole because the smell of formalin is too strong.
A week after, September 23, 2015, we deboned the frog. In deboning of the frog, you will use your tweezers, scalpel and scissors. You will need safety goggles, mask, gloves and your lab gown.
Upon receiving your frog, remove it from being soaked in formalin and wash it. It will look like the picture above. Once you've remove the muscles it will look like this:
After removing the muscles of the from, let it dry for a few days. You may let it dry through direct sunlight. Make sure that you are watching over it because the cats around the neighborhood might attempt to eat it. They will die if they have eaten one, because of the formalin that is present in the frog when we preserved it. I let my deboned frog dry under direct sunlight, I removed it frog the jar and stayed close to it to make sure that it will not be taken or eaten. After letting it dry for a couple of days, I started to remove the bones from its joints and put it in an illustration board.
I'm dissecting tomorrow! :)